Fracture seen involving lateral wall of the right orbit, anterior and lateral wall of right maxillary sinus, squamous part of the right temporal bone and right frontal bone involving the anterior wall of the right frontal sinus.
Hemosinus seen in right maxillary and right frontal sinuses.
Soft tissue swelling seen in the right periorbital region .
Haemorrhagic contusions are seen in right frontal region.
Mild extra-axial air is seen in the right frontal region.
Fracture involving lateral wall of the right orbit, anterior and lateral wall of right maxillary sinus, squamous part of the right temporal bone and right frontal bone involving the anterior wall of the right frontal sinus.
Hemosinus right maxillary and right frontal sinuses.
Soft tissue swelling right periorbital region .
Haemorrhagic contusions right frontal region.
Mild extra-axial air right frontal region.
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