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Supraspinatus tear and suture.

1 Posts
1 Users
Magnus Wennerlund
Posts: 27
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Eminent Member
Joined: 3 years ago

These are the images from a 52 year old carpenter who fell on his shoulder. No prior shoulder problems and no medical conditions. I saw him 8 days after the trauma and he presented clinically with pain on the lateral aspect of the shoulder. Could only abduct his arm to 60-70 degrees actively, with shrug sign. Full passive range of motion. Weakness in both external rotation and abduction.
Ultrasound reveals a full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon. Not so far retracted and good quality of the tendon/muscle.
The patient was put up for surgery that was done within 3 weeks. He is followed closely by the physiotherapists and is doing well after the suregery, hopefully returning to full-time work within 4 months after the surgery.
